Podcasts are kind of like books, there are so many that one could never listen to them all. I love podcasts, I subscribe to way too many of them. Part of my morning routine is to go through what has downloaded to see which ones I want to listen to, create a playlist for that day and start listening to them as I walk every morning for an hour. I hate it when winter comes around as that keeps me from walking and I don't have enough time to listen to the podcasts that I want to. So I read more during this time since I do this inside where it is nice and warm. Thanks for all these recommendations. I think I might have found a few that sound interesting that I didn't know anything about. Just what I needed, more podcasts.

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I've written a few newsletters about my favorites, here are those links https://sonovelicious.substack.com/p/bookish-fun-for-the-weekend and https://sonovelicious.substack.com/p/more-bookish-podcasts-to-enjoy . I listen to several political related podcasts, but my favorites are bookish and bookish adjacent, a few Christian personality type podcasts and ones like Bad Batch/Dirty John, several from Gimlet and Wondery. Thanks for asking.

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